| Personal Connection | Web Design | Frame Relay | Network Consulting | Server Co-location | Main Page |
| Web Hosting | Support | Download | Modem Dial-up #'s | 56K X2 Dial-up Cities |

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Network Consulting Service

Businesses are quickly outgrowing their computer and network systems. A short while ago, they could buy solutions from vendors, and expect them to last a reasonable amount of time. That is no longer true.

The information technology marketplace is constantly changing. It is overwhelming many businesses and vendors. It is outpacing their ability to keep up with the realities and possibilities of information technology. Vendors deliver hardware and software, but today's businesses need more.

VividNET's Network Engineers specialize in UNIX and NT usage and implementation.  Therefore, if your need is to set up a WAN or a LAN network, let us help you.

Call for consultation today, we will schedule an appointment to send a team of specialists to your site.

Contact VividNET Business Account Dept.
Contact VividNET Communications, via E-mail or via Phone, a VividNET Business Development representative will get in touch with you as soon as possible.


| Personal Connection | Web Design | Frame Relay | Network Consulting | Server Co-location | Main Page |
| Web Hosting | Support | Download | Modem Dial-up #'s | 56K X2 Dial-up Cities |

VividNET Communication, Los Angeles
-a division of OPM Corp.-

H e a d q u a r t e r  A d d r e s s :
13781 Roswell Ave. Suite B
Chino, CA 91710

Business Account Dept:
[Frame Relay, Web Hosting, Web Design, Network Consulting]
Fax: 626.551.3100
Email: info@vividnet.com

Frame Relay & Server Co-location Dept:
Email: frame@vividnet.com

Web Hosting Dept.:
Email: web@vividnet.com
Personal Account Dept.:
[Modem Connection to VividNET via 56K/33.6K]
Fax: 626.551.3100
Email: sales@vividnet.com

For any question or comment regarding this site, please direct to web@vividnet.com
©1998 Omniscient Progressive Management Corp.